Couple of the Month
Chris and Rachel
Chris and Rachel’s wedding was on the beautiful oceanside cliffs of the Bel Air Bay Club, just outside the sunny beaches of Santa Monica, and was the perfect beginning to a new chapter in their love story.
Venue | Bel Air Bay Club, Pacific Palisades, CA
Videography | Yours Truly Media
Videography Details
If a picture says a thousand words, then a video tells the whole story. Our wedding videography packages transport you back to your wedding day, so you can re-live all of your favorite moments of love and laughter for years to come.
All of our wedding videography packages are shot in 4k Ultra High Definition with professional wireless audio to make you feel as if you were once again standing at the altar with the love of your life, getting ready to say “I do”.
To ensure you don’t miss a moment of the action, you will be accompanied throughout the day by two of our highly experienced cinematographers, whose expertise in weddings is invaluable in capturing all the laughs, smiles, speeches, and emotions of you, your significant other, and your treasured guests on your big day.
Whether you desire a full-length film of your wedding ceremony and reception, or a beautifully & creatively edited wedding video to share on social media with your friends and family, our wedding videography packages are designed to fit your specific needs. Every wedding and couple are unique, which makes it so important to have cinematographers you trust, who are also flexible in their approach to your wedding.
See for yourself the stunning cinematography we have provided for hundreds of happy couples by visiting our Vimeo page or reading the amazing love stories of our clients in our Couple of the Week blog posts!
If you have any questions or would like to speak with our team, to help decide which wedding videography package is best for you, please contact us through our contact page!
We can’t wait to help capture the once in a lifetime memories your wedding day, to be enjoyed for years to come on anniversaries, rainy days, or to share with those you have yet to meet; displaying the love that brought you together.
