Tips For Planning the Perfect Honeymoon


Couple kissing on the beach.

With all the excitement of planning a wedding, it can be easy to overlook another important event that requires extensive planning; your honeymoon! It may not require all the intricate details of a wedding, but if you push it to the back burner for too long, it could turn into a hurriedly planned vacation rather than a once in a lifetime celebration of marriage. To help you stay focused, keep track of these important tips for planning the perfect honeymoon.

A couple having coffee at a cafe.


Make the most of your trip to paradise by being aware of everything the destination has to offer. Major tourist spots can be great photo opportunities, but all the best destinations have hidden gems that can become the highlight of your honeymoon. Try diving into some travel blogs, renting books at your local library, and checking out forums on sites such as TripAdvisor when planning your honeymoon to find amazing things to do off the beaten path. Once you arrive, drop by the visitor’s center for information and insider tips from the locals.

Book in Advance

Once you decide on a destination and dates, it’s time to book your trip! Aside from the potential for hotels to book up, travel costs such as flights change on a daily basis. To secure the best prices, set alerts as far in advance as possible for rooms, flights, and travel packages, giving yourself plenty of time to determine the best prices so you can enjoy a perfect honeymoon without breaking the bank.

Pro tip: If you are hosting your wedding at a hotel with an international brand, ask your wedding coordinator about honeymoon discounts!

An newlywed couple exiting in a convertible.

Honeymoon Fund

The costs of your honeymoon may not rival your wedding, but it can still be a significant expense. A good way to save for your trip is to create a honeymoon fund. This can be as simple as setting a jar aside for loose change, or including it as part of your registry! Although many of these expenses are due in advance, it’s always reassuring knowing that you may recoup some of the costs of planning a perfect honeymoon in gifts.

Important Documents + Copies

If planning the perfect honeymoon involves traveling outside the US, it’s important to note the documents you’ll need (in advance)! Anytime you travel to a foreign country you need a valid passport, but what you might not know is that many countries require your passport to remain valid for at least 6 months after arrival. Your passport can be renewed at any time and can take up to two months to receive, so don’t delay! Aside from your passport, there are a few other important documents you may need, along with copies to store in a safe place in case the originals happen to be lost or stolen:

  • Driver’s license

  • International driver’s license

  • Credit cards

  • Reservation confirmations

  • Visas

  • Travel insurance information

A couple kissing in the blue doorway of a pink stone house.

Currency Exchange

Exchanging currency may seem simple, but keeping track of currency rates can actually help you decide where to plan your perfect honeymoon. Exchange rates are in constant fluctuation and in countries where the US dollar is particularly strong, your money will go much further.

Where you exchange your money can also stretch your dollar significantly. By exchanging your money in the US, you can research local services to find the best rates in the area. Try to avoid airports as the rates tend to be higher, and if you need to exchange dollars after arriving, consider an ATM after verifying the fees.   

Bonus Checklist

  • Camera

  • Luggage ID’s

  • Vaccinations

  • A packing list

  • Travel backpack

  • Fill any prescriptions

  • Schedule time off from work

  • Charger adapters for foreign outlets

  • Credit card with no foreign transaction fees

  • Contact your phone provider to ensure you can communicate, even just with wifi

  • Leave travel details such as dates, addresses and phone numbers with a trusted relative

A couple clinking wine glasses as they sit on the beach.

Exploring Your Passions

Planning your wedding and honeymoon simultaneously may seem overwhelming, but remember that your honeymoon is a time dedicated to fun and relaxation. Use the honeymoon planning process to get excited about your trip and get to know your spouse even better by exploring each other’s interests. Enjoy the process and by take-off, you’ll be fully prepared to embark on the best vacation of your life!

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